How to Name a Podcast

How to Name a Podcast

Introduction to Podcast naming

Many people think a podcast is just an audio file using microphones and a host to record someone speaking. Yes, you do need a great title for that. The title is the first exposure that people will have to what your show is about. And that first impression matters since it’s not just your Podcast’s title – it’s also the title of each episode of your show. So, if you are brainstorming the name for your new Podcast or trying to be more inventive in naming your current one, I hope you will find this guide helpful. 

In the subsequent sections, we will talk about catchy podcast names, brainstorming podcast names and how to come up with them, and evaluating and selecting your perfect podcast title. Last, we will go through some final thoughts on podcast naming. So, let’s start choosing the best podcast names for your new show!

The importance of a catchy podcast name

So, why does the podcast name matter? First things first, the name of your Podcast is the first thing a new listener will see, so having an eye-catching or intriguing podcast name is a great way to grab people’s attention and draw them in. However, the name of your Podcast isn’t just for decoration – it’s also by far the most important factor in being discovered on almost all podcast platforms, including Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and various others. 

Many new podcasters make the mistake of thinking that the podcast name only forms part of the branding and design stage that comes later. This is simply not the case. The name of your podcast will create engagement, build an audience, and deliver success over time – therefore, it should be right at the top of your priority list when you’re getting started.

Tips for brainstorming podcast names

When brainstorming names for a new podcast, the trick is to let the ideas flow. You may be discouraged if you don’t come up with the perfect name immediately, but that’s okay! The more options you gather, the better your chances of finding something perfect. 

1. Keep it Simple: Opt for a name that is easy to spell, pronounce, and remember

2. Try a Name Generator: Use AI-driven tools to generate many name options tailored to your Podcast’s theme and niche. Let the algorithms do the heavy lifting while you focus on bringing your creative vision to life.

3. Think of Your Audience: Step into the shoes of your target audience and tailor your podcast name to resonate with their aspirations, desires, and interests. 

4. Give Some Context: A compelling podcast name should offer a tantalizing glimpse into the content and themes explored within. Think of it as a sneak peek into the captivating world you’re inviting your listeners to explore.

5. Let Your Personality Shine: Add a healthy dose of personality and flair. Let your unique voice shine through in every syllable, whether whimsical, witty, or downright daring.

6. Optimize for Search: Incorporate relevant keywords into your podcast name. This boosts your discoverability and ensures that your content reaches the ears of those who need it most.

7. Use Your Network for Feedback: Seek counsel from friends, family, and peers to gauge the resonance of your chosen name.

8. Tap into People’s Emotions: Craft a podcast name that tugs at the heartstrings or evokes emotions that linger long after the final episode has ended.

9. Don’t Box Yourself In. Choose a name that offers room for growth and evolution. Your Podcast should be a living, breathing entity capable of adapting to new themes, ideas, and narratives as you journey through the ever-changing storytelling landscape.

10. Say Your Name Aloud: Test how the name sounds aloud. Let your ears be the ultimate judge.

11. Make it Spelling and Grammar-Friendly: Avoid the pitfalls of linguistic ambiguity by opting for a name that is both spellbinding and grammar-friendly. 

12. Check Its Availability: Before you pop the champagne and celebrate your newfound podcasting prowess, thoroughly search to ensure your chosen name is available across all digital platforms. From social media handles to podcast directories, I recommended claiming the name as soon as possible before it’s unavailable

13. Make Sure You Love It: Above all else, choose a podcast name that sets your soul on fire and ignites your passion for storytelling. Your podcasting journey is a labor of love, so choose a name that you’re proud to proclaim to the world.

Evaluating and selecting the perfect podcast name

After brainstorming several potential names, evaluate and rank your options. Then, focus on the top three and compare the nuances. There can be nuances of meaning and connotation between one word or single phrase and the next, so compare them in the context of one another to ensure that choices not only all fit the main idea of your Podcast but are distinct from each other enough that your ultimate selection can be an informed, subjective one based on the way that it makes you feel. 

And remember, not everyone going to be a potential listener to your Podcast will go through a careful analytic process. Still, the more that you can do this work and you can pick something that has an emotional impact and resonates with you and your enthusiasm for that podcast, the more likely it is that you’ll find an initial critical audience that will start to help you build a name for yourself in the world of podcasting.

Final thoughts

After all that work, you officially have some major critical components to a great podcast – the title! There are many solutions to this problem, which varies so much from person to person. 

You don’t have to follow these steps strictly, but having incredible insights on what to keep in mind when brainstorming for a podcast name will set you off on the right foot. Don’t be discouraged if a name doesn’t stand out immediately, and be patient with the process! Also, being able to go back and edit the podcast title is the beauty of this entire thing. 

So don’t stress out about it too much. Most importantly, having fun with your Podcast and being satisfied with the end product. A good podcast name will follow with that enjoyment and pride. It truly sets the tone for your entire show and represents what you’re all about. When you finally come up with something sticking, you’ll know it, and it’ll be such a rewarding feeling.

Happy creating!

Bidemi Adedire
Creative Director

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