Being a creative is neither the easiest nor the most difficult task in the world. Content is typically created with the goal of driving purpose and value. As a result, you must ask yourself questions such as, “Does my content stimulate and interest my audience?” The answer demonstrates that your content must be engaging for your intended audience and help you achieve the goals you may have set for the content. In order to be certain that you have an engaging content, usually, you consider the results, such as:
increase in traffic
Any of these metrics can be used to measure engagement.
As an audio creative, creating engaging content takes time, investment and work. When you put in the work, you gain the results which includes building a loyal fan base. Engaging content keeps the audience enthusiastic and expectant about the episodes that you have to come, so that when you put out episodes or demos, your audience will be eager to listen as well as share.
There are tons of tips to help you start or become better at creating engaging audio content. But here are 7 guaranteed tips that can change the story of your audio content:
Talk about things you are passionate about:
This is easily accomplished by discussing your areas of expertise. It allows you to move from topic to topic with ease and provide meaningful information to your listeners. When you speak about topics with which you are most familiar, you are more original and convincing to your audience.
Fuse stories in your content:
One of the newest and simplest ways to market a product is through storytelling. Neuroscience has proven that storytelling is the most effective way to capture attention, connect with people, and imprint your brand in the minds of your audience. It fosters intimacy, connection, and comprehension. As a result, your audience will be drawn closer to you, allowing them to get to know you better and deeper.
Invite unique experts:
Individuals are interested in hearing from professionals in their field. This way, you are not the only voice that your audience will hear, which can be tedious at times. Bringing in professional guests to answer questions from your audience will definitely liven things up.
Make your audience think:
Humans are always looking for something new or, at the very least, something to keep them thinking. As an audio creative, it is critical that the content you create for your audience is stimulating. Allow the content to arouse their curiosity, which will lead them back to you for answers. Ensure that your content adds value and inspires your audience to add value with what they do on their own.
Be Clear and concise:
Offering concise and clear content makes you stand out amongst other audio creatives. Your audience is most likely looking for enlightenment as much as they are looking for entertainment. Therefore, if your audio creation cannot offer your audience clarity on the subjects you discuss, they most likely will not return. Therefore to engage your audience, create only content that would be clear enough and not misleading.
Be organized:
Being organized can help your content become engaging. Think, plans, write scripts and draw schedules. This gives you as well as your audience a sense of direction.
Get a good cover and background sound:
You may be wondering why you need an eye-catching cover when dealing with audio content. You’d be surprised how much your audience will appreciate a beautiful cover when they can’t see any other visuals.
Apart from that, it helps you stand out in directories. A compelling background sound is required to complement a good cover. This helps to emphasize and entice your audience to stay focused on your content even as they hear you speak.
As an audio creative, it is pertinent to note that your content must be engaging in order to give you the results you may seek. Using the above tips can help you create engaging content. It can also help you create your personal strategies that would change your audio creation game.
This article was curated by Pamelagold Hassan